Climate Action The Climate Action vertical works to intensify actions around climate change mitigation.

Climate Action

The Climate Action vertical works to intensify actions around climate change mitigation. It offers a range of nature-based solutions anchored with the local communities through proven and time-tested models. These models have been validated by international bodies for carbon sequestration projects and they address a range of issues of concern for both rural communities as well as corporates who have an obligation towardemission offset.

Our experienceinplantations and natural resource conservation is gained through raising 7,500 hectares of plantations and developing thousands of hectares of landscape which are there for all to see.

At the community end, these models offer enduring solutions for the restoration of degraded ecology, revitalisation of soil and hydrology, food security, andincomealong with increasingsocial harmony and gender justice. For corporates, CSL provides hassle-free, long-term solutions for meeting their carbon offset obligations.

The landscape-based approach innovated by CSL has been conceived at a scale of over two hundred thousand hectares and has the potential of sequestering eightymillion metric tonnes of CO2 in the next twenty years. Simultaneously, this will strengthen the livelihoods of over one and a half million people living in India's endemic poverty regions